应用程序 & 形式

当谈到支付大学学费时, 您可能有几种选择, 包括赠款, 联邦援助, 和GMercyU奖学金. In order for the 学生 University 金融援助 Office to prepare and process your comprehensive financial aid award, you will need to complete and submit various forms and documents.

All forms and documents can be submitted to our 金融援助 Office via scan/email, mail, or fax.

电子邮件: financialaid@fc-daudenzell.com

桑尼镇派克街1325号- P.O. 901箱
传真: 215-641-5556

Need assistance completing any of the forms or applications below? 请与 学生资助办事处.


所有寻求联邦财政援助的学生都需要填写一份 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA). The 2024-2025 FAFSA, using your 2022 tax information, was made available on December 31, 2023. FAFSA优先录取新生的截止日期是3月15日, 2024; for returning students, 今天是3月30日, 2024. 我们学校的代码是#003270. 有关详细说明,请访问 如何申请经济资助页面.

对2024-2025年FAFSA有问题吗? 我们是来帮忙的! 在这里找到更新, or 摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站

2024-2025年FAFSA豁免 (PDF) - Please complete 这种形式 if you are not going to file the FAFSA for the 2023-2024 academic year. This form will enable GMercyU to waive your FAFSA and process your merit-based financial aid. 你可以扫描并通过电子邮件发送,或者邮寄或传真.

除了完成FAFSA, you may need to complete one of the 格温内斯仁慈大学 financial aid documents listed below.

如果您被选中进行验证 under any of the scenarios below, please fill out and submit the appropriate worksheet to GMercyU as quickly as possible. We cannot complete your financial aid pack年龄 without this documentation.

2024-2025相关验证工作表 (PDF) -如果你是一个独立的学生, your FAFSA may be randomly selected to undergo the federal verification process to confirm the information you and your parents reported. 如果您被选中进行验证, please fill out and submit this worksheet to GMercyU.

2024-2025年独立验证工作表 (PDF) -如果你是独立学生, your FAFSA may be randomly selected to undergo the federal verification process to confirm the information you reported. 如果您被选中进行验证, please fill out and submit this worksheet to GMercyU as quickly as possible.

2024-2025年教育目的声明 (PDF) -如果GMercyU的财政援助办公室提出要求, 这种形式 must be completed in the presence of a Notary if the student cannot come to campus to complete the form. 此表格将被特别要求 and may not be faxed or emailed.

2024-2025年家长非纳税申报表 (PDF) -如果你是一个独立的学生 whose parents did not file a 2022 Tax Return and in conjunction with the IRS Verification of Non-filing Letter, 请填写并提交此表格至GMercyU.

2024-2025年学生非税务申报表 (PDF) - If you an independent student who did not file a 2022 Tax Return and in conjunction with the IRS Verification of Non-filing Letter, 请填写并提交此表格至GMercyU.

2024-2025年家长入息证明表格 (PDF) -如果你是受供养学生的家长, GMercyU's 金融援助 Office may request 这种形式 to verify your 2022 income and expenses in order to accurately assess your eligibility for financial assistance. 此表格将被特别要求.

2024-2025学生入息证明表格 (PDF) -如果你是一个依赖或独立的学生, GMercyU's 金融援助 Office may request 这种形式 to verify your 2022 income and expenses in order to accurately assess your eligibility for financial assistance. 此表格将被特别要求.

2024 - 2025年总 & 永久残疾出院声明书 (PDF) - If you have applied for total and permanent disability discharge or are in the process of applying for a total and permanent disability discharge, GMercyU’s 金融援助 Office will need this document and a supporting statement from a physician regarding your ability to eng年龄 in substantial gainful activity. 此表格将被特别要求.

2024-2025年资产核查表 (PDF) - 此表格将被特别要求 by GMercyU’s 金融援助 Office if it is needed to determine your financial aid eligibility.

2024-2025年独立地位核查 (PDF) - 此表格将被特别要求 by GMercyU’s 金融援助 Office if it is needed to determine your financial aid eligibility.

国税局纳税申报表说明 (PDF) -学生必须填写此表格, parent or spouse if a tax return was filed and the student was selected for a process called verification.

美国国税局核实非申报说明 (PDF) - This form is required for independent students or parents of dependent students if they did not file a tax return and the student was selected for a process called verification.

如何在GMercyU门户网站上接受您的援助 (PDF) - How to review and accept your GMercyU financial aid pack年龄 on our Self-服务 Portal.

如何在GMercyU网站上安全地上传文件 (PDF) - Here's how to see what required documents you are missing, 以及如何安全地将它们上传到我们的自助服务门户网站.

2024-2025年财政援助条款和条件 (PDF) - These Terms and Conditions apply to all financial aid awards.

另类资助小册子 (PDF) - Explore additional resources available for funding your 教育.

FERPA豁免表格 (PDF) - You will need to submit 这种形式 to GMercyU if you would like to allow the 金融援助 and Billing Offices to speak to third parties (i.e. 母亲、父亲、配偶等.)有关财务资料.

2024-2025年独立减少收入表 (PDF) - 格温内斯仁慈大学 provides special consideration for independent applicants experiencing a reduction in income due to an extenuating circumstance. 学生s MUST attach a separate explanation detailing all the reasons your family’s 2022 income will be reduced and complete the remainder of 这种形式. Additional supporting documentation may be requested by the 金融援助 Office.

2024-2025年受抚养人减少收入表 (PDF) - 格温内斯仁慈大学 provides special consideration for dependent students whose families are experiencing a reduction in income due to an extenuating circumstance. 学生s MUST attach a separate explanation detailing all the reasons your family’s 2022 income will be reduced and complete the remainder of 这种形式. Additional supporting documentation may be requested by the 金融援助 Office.

主本票 & 入学辅导说明 (PDF) - The 主本票 (MPN) and Entrance Counseling (EC) are requirements for all students who wish to borrow Federal Direct Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loans over the course of their 教育.

Important Information for 金融援助 Recipients in Non-Term Degree Programs (PDF) -指引, 政策, and other information for non-term degree students receiving financial aid. (Non-term degrees include our online/accelerated undergraduate or graduate programs in business, 咨询, 教育, 或护理.)

经济资助,学业进步申请 (PDF) - Please submit the appeal within two weeks of your SAP notification email.


FERPA豁免表格 (PDF) - You will need to submit 这种形式 to GMercyU if you would like to allow the 金融援助 and Billing Offices to speak to third parties (i.e. 母亲、父亲、配偶等.)有关财务资料.

Important Information for 金融援助 Recipients in Non-Term Degree Programs (PDF) -指引, 政策, and other information for non-term degree students receiving financial aid. (Non-term degrees include our online/accelerated undergraduate or graduate programs in business, 咨询, 教育, 或护理.)