Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Griffin Complex, 2nd floor (side hallway near windows)
Contact us: counseling@fc-daudenzell.com
Follow us on Instagram: @gmercyucounselingservices 


格温内斯默西大学的咨询服务致力于支持学生实现他们的个人和教育目标. We offer a safe and inclusive atmosphere for all students to discuss any and all concerns; and work towards furthering personal growth.

Pamela Zaranka Moore, MS, LPC, CCTP. Pam is the Director of Counseling Services. 她拥有费城骨科医学院的临床和咨询心理学硕士学位以及圣约瑟夫大学的心理学学士学位. Pam在心理健康领域工作了16年,自2016年以来一直担任Gwynedd Mercy University的咨询服务主任. Prior to joining the University, Pam worked in various other mental health settings, including outpatient, residential, and wraparound services. 在这些环境中,帕姆与不同年龄的心理健康和发育障碍患者一起工作. 她的临床专业领域包括饮食失调、焦虑症和创伤治疗.

Daniel Jordan, MC, LPC, CCTP. Dan is the Assistant Director of Counseling Services. 他拥有the University of Phoenix的咨询硕士学位和the University of Arizona的心理学学士学位. Dan在心理健康领域工作了25年,自2009年以来一直在mg摆脱电子游戏官方网站从事咨询服务. Prior to joining the University, Dan worked in various other mental health settings, including acute partial, IOP, outpatient, residential, and wraparound services. 丹在包括焦虑症在内的临床专业领域有经验, depression, and trauma treatment.

Jesse Kunwar, MA, NCC, LPC, CCTP. 杰西是辅导员之一,也是大学酒精和其他药物协调员. 她拥有LaSalle University的临床/咨询心理学硕士学位和Lycoming College的心理学学士学位. She has been in the mental health field for 15 years, and has been with the GMercyU counseling center since 2018. Prior to joining the GMercyU counseling team, she worked in community mental health, specifically with Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorders, with a focus on career counseling. Jesse’s clinical specialties include: Trauma disorders, Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), Anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders, and career counseling.

Jacqui Brignola, MS, NCC 她是一名咨询师,获得了西切斯特大学临床心理健康咨询硕士学位和维拉诺瓦大学心理学学士学位. 目前,她正在努力获得特许专业咨询师(LPC)的执照。. 自2020年以来,她一直是GMercyU咨询团队的一员,从研究生水平的临床实习生开始. Her professional interests include the areas of sexual health, relationships, and navigating dating as a college student.

Sara Hollie Pew, BS 她是一名研究生水平的咨询实习学生,正在攻读西切斯特大学临床心理健康咨询专业的硕士学位,并最终获得执业专业咨询师(LPC)的执照。. 她毕业于德雷塞尔大学(Drexel University),获得设计和营销学士学位. 她的专业兴趣包括帮助与焦虑作斗争的学生, depression, trauma, and sexual and relationship issues. 萨拉的职业目标是获得性治疗的认证,并与遇到性困难的客户一起工作.

Francesca DePaul, BS 她是一名研究生水平的咨询实习学生,正在攻读西切斯特大学临床心理健康咨询专业的硕士学位,并最终获得执业专业咨询师(LPC)的执照。. 她于2018年毕业于圣约瑟夫大学,获得生物学和心理学学士学位. 她的专业兴趣包括帮助表现出焦虑的学生, eating disorders, and trauma. Francesca’s professional goal is to become an LPC, a Certified Eating Disorders Specialist (CEDS), and potentially earn a Psy.D.

Shannon McGovern, BS 一个研究生水平的临床实习生正在攻读咨询心理学硕士学位吗. 香农目前专门从事社会正义社区咨询. 毕业后,她计划攻读专业咨询师执照. Shannon received her B.A. in Psychology from Penn State University. Shannon’s professional interests include anxiety, depression, family and relationship issues, and trauma.

General Counseling Assistance

At GMercyU’s Counseling Services Center, 我们知道,向大学的过渡有时会很艰难. 这就是为什么我们在这里提供保密和支持的地方来解决个人问题, emotional stress, 或其他心理健康和健康问题,向合格的咨询师咨询. 您可以与咨询服务人员安排个人咨询会议.

Other Services:

  • Psychoeducational programs
  • Class presentations
  • Consultations
  • Alcohol & other drug psychoeducational services
  • On call emergency support for students
  • Walk in hours
  • Psychiatric & Outpatient referrals
  • Monthly trauma informed Yoga
  • Confidential wellness portal
  • Virtual Mental Health At-Risk training
  • Student trainings
  • Confidential Title IX support

咨询记录是保密的,与学习记录分开保存. 只有在个人可能对自己或他人构成威胁的极少数情况下,咨询信息才可以在未经个人许可的情况下共享, 然后只在必要的程度上保护个人或其他受到威胁的人. 重要的是要注意,咨询部门的所有成员都是强制记者, 这意味着我们在法律上和道德上都必须报告任何疑似虐待或忽视儿童的情况. Finally, 我们是校园里唯一一个对教育法第九条的所有问题完全保密的办公室.